Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog Candy WINNER!!!

Thank you to all of you who played along! I enjoyed each comment and it's wonderful to hear what inspires your creative spirit! I wish I could have chosen all of you and to make things fair, I decided to let my little crafter choose a name....annnnnd the winner is......

I am inspired by seriously creative bloggers like you, Mish Wooderson, Melissa Phillips, all of the Papertrey crafters and more! Another inspiration is the HUGE assortment of colors, patterns, and textures available to use!! Creating is a joy and necessity in my life.

Thanks for the opportunity to make some tags with your supplies!!


I won't be posting anything crafty this week, but I will be spring cleaning and hope to get my crafting supplies organized while getting products created for an upcoming craft show. If there are some supplies I'm willing to set free, I will post them here ;) Have a great week!