Monday, March 14, 2011

Rockin' Out...

What a busy week and fun filled weekend here at The House of Chau! I took the week off from blogging to catch up on several home projects...second phase of the fire pit we are building as well as helping the hubby out with a bench extension on our deck. The weather is really starting to warm up around here and the trees and flowers are in full bloom! I'm ready...BRING IT! I had so much fun with the rockstar tags I posted the week before, that I just had to make some rockin' cards! The photo does not pick up the details all that well, but I did the same design as the tags, but on kraft cs with shimmer pink ink. There wasn't much room to add a sentiment so I came up with the idea of just ripping and distressing a small piece of kraft cs...makes it a little rugged! Lastly, I did a little sewing and added the polka dot ribbon....LOVE IT! For the guys! No fancy embellishments or sewing, just added some brads.


  1. These are so cute Dawn...Can I say they are "bitchin" ?!

    Great job with that set, you definitely ROCK!

  2. Super cool as usual and I have found a way to comment now Used to have to have a google id or at least that is how I read it
    Some day maybe I will do a blog :)
    for now I will follow you and Donna and Christie
