Friday, March 4, 2011

Tag Week....BLOG CANDY!!!

So now that I've gone tag crazy this week, I'm giving YOU the opportunity to join the craze!! It's been long overdue since I've shared some blog candy and I thought today is the day! I'm including the basic supplies to make tags of your very own. I've also thrown in a post-it pad made by yours truly. Kit includes: 5 kraft lunch sacks, 5 white doilies, 5 large manila tags, 5 white sentiment tags, handful of clear and vintage cream buttons, and post-it pad.

Now, all you have to do is leave a comment about what inspires you in your crafting adventures...this could be products, blogs, or people. All I ask is when you comment, PLEASE leave your email so I can contact the winner. If no email is left in the comment, I will choose an alternate winner. Winner will be chosen Monday, March 7th by noon est. Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Hey Dawn,
    First, I thought I would tell you how much I love your idea of getting people to comment on what inspires them in their creativity. I look forward to hearing what the other posts will say.

    I've actually given the question of what inspires me as an artist a lot of thought. I think for me it honestly comes from my Creator. After all, He did create everything! Since we are made in His image I think it's totally natural for us to want to create and appreciate beautiful things.

    Another key inspiration for me is other artists. I love seeing what other people create! I am always amazed by the outside-the- box thinking that is so prevalent in the artistic realm. I often come away asking myself why I hadn't thought of that particular way doing something.


  2. Kinda hard to follow Angela here...haha! But you KNOW what inspires me....You do!! I check your blog all the time to see what you have been up to and try to create something similar.

    I also do think the blog world in general inspires me. I can skim through a number of blogs and see what others are doing and think...'they did it I can too!' Sometimes just seeing other 'friends' put it to paper makes it seem possible for me.

  3. I think the thing that inspires me the most are my kids... They inspire headaches too but for the most part they are inspiration. The color, humor and joy they bring to my life fills my mojo jug to overflowing.. The other sources of inspiration I have are all the awesome crafty friends I have who bring beauty to my days with all the amazing things they make..


  4. I am inspired by seriously creative bloggers like you, Mish Wooderson, Melissa Phillips, all of the Papertrey crafters and more! Another inspiration is the HUGE assortment of colors, patterns, and textures available to use!! Creating is a joy and necessity in my life.

    Thanks for the opportunity to make some tags with your supplies!!


  5. www.yarnmaniac.blogspot.comMarch 5, 2011 at 5:49 AM

    Don't include me in the contest 'cause i'm you twin...haha...buuut, what inspires me is having two cool sisters who are equally creative in their own rights and enjoy what they do with their crafts. Having a hobby is healthy and it brings contentment after a busy flower parts are STILL sitting on the kitchen table because I know I'll make some more when I have free time.

  6. Blogs. There are so many of them that sometimes I get consumed clicking and admiring all the talent out there that I have now have to make myself set some limits.LOL! I have to stop to "smell" the craft so to speak and create my own thing. With that I better get off the computer... :)

    Thank you for sharing all your creative ideas and your crafting process...and the blog candy!


  7. I love blog surf and am constantly inspired by all the talented crafters out there! Granted, my creations don't normally turn out as cute as theirs, but I keep trying! Thanks Dawn!

  8. demmer9934@aol.comMarch 7, 2011 at 10:59 AM

    I began to get interested in paper crafting by reading DonnaK's blog and seeing her post her creations. I began reading your blog through her and adore and desire to achieve both your creative level.
