Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pretty Little Girls...

My plate was pretty full last week with a very sick baby and washing loads and loads of laundry. It would have been nice to open the windows up and and air the house out, but with chilly weather all the "ickies" got trapped inside! Baby girl is on the mend and we ended the week celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary at Chuck E. Cheese and grocery shopping...signs where your priorities are when you get I didn't do anything last week, not even step foot in my craft room...but I did manage to squeeze in some crafty time yesterday! I was really inspired by the new PI line from MFT after seeing Jody and Susie's blogs. Love how these girls create...their commentary isn't half bad either:).
Love this ice cream paper! It comes with several different ice cream patterns and I decided to use the pages with wording for this go-around. I colored her with my copic makers and did a little stitching around the edges. The "wish big" is from my PTI-star prints. The umbrella pergola on top of the card is made with my SU! slot punch and I trimmed off the excess on top, then tied with pink shimmer ribbon.I'm off to start my Christmas Dinner shopping. My family is coming from all over to visit with us this year. Parents will be here from OK and my two sister's, one from GA, the other from CA. We don't get to see each other as often as we'd like, so lots of late nights giggling and playing sequence are on the horizon:)


  1. Dawn....I'm always amazed and inspired by your creations. What can I say....I think I'm your biggest fan! I'm glad lil Addison is on the mend too.

  2. Aaww, I'm sorry to hear about lil miss Addy being ill.. Poor thing.. Isn't it great to have family coming to your house for Christmas? My mom and dad get here sunday. Say hi to the sissy and twinkie for me.. Have a great holiday. It's so fun to entertain in your OWN home!

