Thursday, December 17, 2009

Simple Teacher Gifts...

ETA: No one got the answer correct to my "faux paux", so I had my girls pick a number and those chose #2 ISABEL Z!!! My BIG faux paus was using the APPLE for a teacher gift...swore I'd never do it, but I just couldnt pass up this cute little girl:) I thought it'd be "ok" to use this image since the apple wasn't an So Isabel please send me your home address via email: and I will get your notebook out asap! Thanks girls for playing along!

Because I'm running short on time this year, I needed a simple gift for my Daughter's teacher and her aide. If you looking for something inexpensive (this works wonders if your kids have multiple teacher's) try a pocket calendar! I picked mine up at Michael's in the $ section. I don't care much for the the "cheesy" covers they use, so you can see I just make my own:). I customized each PI girl according to the teacher's hair color etc. Added some simple stitches and slipped my finish calendar back into the plastic sleeve. Just a quick post as my "list" of things to do is getting longer!

******Did anyone catch my big faux paux?????!!!!!!! If your a regular reader to my blog, you will know what it is ;). First one to get it right, gets a free custom notebook from me!!!! Just leave a comment ALONG with an email address and I will post the winner by Friday, Dec. 17th @ midnight.


  1. Lack of sleep last night and bleary eyed this morning so I can't think to answer your question, however, I did want to let you know how much I enjoyed what you created. As a former elementary school teacher I would have been thrilled with such a gift. Thanks for sharing amid the chaos of holiday preparation. I wish you and your loved ones a joyous holiday.

  2. is it the date? u posted thursday, dec 17th but u said u will be posting winner midnight of friday, dec 17th but friday is dec 18th. now i'm curious...

  3. I am thinking maybe you left one of the buttons "naked"-no thread in the middle? I love your blog-especially when you turn a cheesy pocket calender into something super cute!

  4. The only thing I can think of is the use of names??? Anyway, very cute! I need to start much earlier next year for Christmas gifts! Love the idea of giving a little something home made, but time just isn't on my side. Or maybe it's just I want to do more then time allows!

  5. A million thanks to your girls for picking me as the winner. I am so excited to get something made just by you--what a nice birthday gift (my birthday was the 17th). In my email to you I forgot to mention that right after seeing your post I went to Michaels to look for similar calendars. I didn't care for the ones that they had because they had pictures on the inside too that would take too long to cover up. I'll have to try the other local craft store.

    Happy Holidays:-)
