Thursday, December 3, 2009

Custom Baby Frame....

Yeah! The sun is out, REALLY out today! A good day to dig out the ol' Christmas decorations and get to work. I usually start the day after Halloween ( a bit EARLY, I know!), but I like to enjoy my decorations more than just a "few" weeks. My favorite decorations are those the girls create...even the scribble scrabbled ones!

On to this pretty frame! A cute 4x6 frame for Baby Karisa. Only requests were that it be purple and not too girlie! I could have gone over the top with some sort of princess theme, but kept with a simple design. I started by painting the entire frame white. I cut 1 inch strips in purple and stamped with polka dots in a shimmer dew drop purple.
Stacked a few Prima flowers together and tied them with a Foo-fa-la creme button.
The leaves are punched with Martha Stewart-Frond punch and stamped with the "twinkle, twinkle" star from PTI's-Star Prints (I've been using this set A LOT!).
Letters cut out with my Cricut Cartridge. I added a little Star Dust Stickles on the outside sage green layer. This really helped POP the purple-on-purple theme.


  1. What a beautiful frame that any person would love to receive. It would make my day:-)

  2. I KWYM I have 2 of the 5 trees up! I have to get the other three up. The fresh one is on my back porch resting until the braches come down. I LOVE this time of year. The frame is GORGEOUS! You did a fab job!


  3. This is GREAT! This frame was made for my daughter we mostly call her KJ now though. :) you do such beautiful work Dawn that I'm hoping you will have time to make another wonderful frame soon for a good friend of mine....
