Thursday, April 7, 2011

Easter Goodies...

Whew! What a busy weekend. I needed those few extra days to chillax and clean out my crafting space. I hate to admit that I threw out several grocery sacks of odds and ends. Who knew paper scraps would be everyone BUT the trash can?! I'm terrible about making messes when I'm deep into my projects. Luckily I can see the carpet, desk, and I'm officially make another mess! I thought I'd share a few pics the show. My booth was almost the same setup as the Fall show, just added a new peg board and spinner rack. I purchased my card spinner recently from a scrapbook store that was going out of business...super cheap and it's very heavy and sturdy. I thought I'd make some more M&M sticks since these were a big hit at the Fall show. No matter the crowd or timing of craft shows, these were not a big hit this time around. But now I have Easter goodies made up for Gracie's class! I got a kick out of the puffy chicks on the tags! Here are my Chic'n Nuggets! I made the chick from THIS die by cutting full eggs in white and yellow. I cut the white shell in half and used THIS set for the scalloped edge. To make the avery labels I used THIS set, which is a 3 step process, but looks really nice on the labels. After I had my whole chick assembled, I decided to go back and add a little feather on top. They turned out like little mohawks! I cannot take any credit for these, but a BIG thank you to Elizabeth for giving me the idea. The original idea had a much smaller bunny head, but I found this HUGE one at the Mike's $ Spot and thought it might just work! The bunny did have a little body attached to his huge head, but I simply trimmed off his lower half and this is what you get! I wrapped the nuggets in festive Easter paper and added a little white pom pom on the rear ;) These candies, as well as the Chic'n Nuggets sold out. They also got a lot of chuckles! Overall, this show was wonderful. I met some new fans and other eager crafters who enjoy paper as much as I do. A BIG THANK YOU to fellow vendors and Hidden Talents for putting on a great show! I do have lots of extras and am in the process of updating my Etsy shop again. If your interested, keep your eyes posted to the right side of my blog. I have an Esty widget that will take you directly to the shop.


  1. L-O-V-E your stuff Dawn. You are very talented and creative. Kudos on way cool crafts.

  2. DARLING DAWN! So cute! xoxox,E.

  3. www.yarnmaniac.blogspot.comApril 7, 2011 at 6:09 PM

    OMG!!! Those lil bunnies are too cute...I love their lil tails....nice set up at the show too...


  4. It's been a while since I visited your blog and I missed lots of gorgeous projects.'re so talented. Love your projects. Your booth at the show looks very professional. You did a great job!
