Saturday, April 9, 2011

Composition Journals...

Some of you may have already had a 'sneak peak' of this post as I posted it on the FB page last week. You know when you purchase those paper packs and you often have large patterns that are much too large for a card or small project? Well, I found the perfect solution for using ALL that paper up! I covered 5 composition books...front and back...with the large prints and it made me think, my sister, who is also a teacher, would really appreciate looking at some more beautiful and fun vs. the marble pattern! These were a surprise sell out at the show, but as luck would have it, I stocked up on some more books and I'm eager to play with some new paper! If your a fan of Etsy, these 'keep calm and carry on' signs are everywhere! I just happened to be at Michael's and found that Hero Arts has made this into a STAMP...swoon! This tag is the one and only I've made with this stamp so far...but I can assure you, I will get A LOT of use out of it! I thought I'd share THIS link on a beautiful wreath made with this Blossom Song paper! To DIE for! Amy Butler paper, sentiment is Verve. Finally got around to breaking-in my new bird punch from SU! I hate to admit that I don't use my supplies as soon as they come in...this punch has been sitting around for awhile....I guess I was for just the right time to use it. Love how well the bird coordinates with the patterned paper. Some more YUMMY Amy Butler paper...sentiment is from Verve. Lots of patterns going on here! Luckily I pulled all these pages from the same paper pack, so the colors blend matter how many patterns are thrown together! We are off to enjoy our first Azalea Festival in Wilmington! Hopefully these clouds and rain disappear soon! Happy crafting my friends!

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