Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sometimes It Just Feels Good to PURGE...your spaces!

ETA: I'm adding a few links for the storage units....cause you know your going to make a trip to your nearest IKEA....TODAY;)





I could not find links for my COPIC storage, but you can find those utensil boxes in the kitchen section, and the ribbon storage box is also in the kitchen can interchange the wooden boxes for glass jars (for storing dry noodles etc.).

Calling all IKEA LOVERS! I finally had some downtime and my upstairs master was screaming for a re-do/purge/declutter/INTERVENTION! Remember when I shared this post (moons ago) about my "little niche in the corner?" That "little corner" was back in Brooklyn, NY and once we moved to our new home in NC, the space nearly tripled and so did my crafting supplies! More space=more junk=more headaches! I'm a firm believer in "less is more" and so the last 4 days I've be tackling this space, and that space just to the left...the DREADED TOY CORNER! While I was visiting my sister and family in GA last week, we made a visit to the IKEA in Atlanta. What's that you say? You've never been to an IKEA before?!!! Follow along my dear! I figured I start with the lesser of 2 evils, and purged in my space first! Isn't Addison just precious? She's supposed to be cleaning her toys?!Directly behind the couch is an old sofa table...which may not be a BIG deal yet, but I plan on organzing all my ribbon soon and this table will be for my girls, who are 6 and 4. They have the crafting bug as well and need a space of their own. Stored underneath the table are my fruit stands and banner from the recent craft show. Following the bend to the right is my spinner rack and shelves with all the primas I HAD TO HAVE, but don't really use much! Adding that to my New Year's resolution....USE WHAT YOU HAVE! The "nerve center"...she will not stay this clean for long! That pretty bag and loot is from trip to Archiver's in Buford, GA as well as Hobby Lobby...I could stay there ALL DAY! There was 4 of us at Hobby Lobby and I even conned Dad into using a 40% coupon for one of my new paper packs...REAL MEN by pretty paper ;) Below my desk: to the left of my work chair are 6 plastic drawers which store tools, adhesives, chalk inks, and embossing supplies. The 2 binders you see leaning against the unit house my card sketches, patterns, and address labels for stamping. On the right you will see another plastic unit that houses SU! ink pads, stickles, soldering tools, and packaging supplies. If you go further to the right where the paint can is, that's where I put all my alterable items.Snazzy peg board! Regular ped board from Lowe's (smallest size they carry) that I mod podged with fabric. It's nice to have my everyday supplies close at hand. All the rods (for punches) and bakets (extra punches and buttons) are from IKEA. Some of these storage items I've had forever, but the COPIC marker boxes are new. Each box has 2 compartments and I found these in the kitchen untensil area of IKEA. Directly below the COPIC makers is my ribbon storage box. The box is full of ribbon that comes on the smaller spools and they are wrapped around 4x6 cardboard pieces and stored by color families. My redneck mug is full of caffiene for this chica! More wonderful storage from IKEA! I have 3 of these units for holding my stamp collections. Most are Papepertrey ink sets, but for those that aren't, they too go into clear cd cases and get labeled. There is no subliminal message in that preggo card...I just held on it because it was the first card I ever created! I call it my "terrifically tacky" phase.
The loose stamps that do not come in CD cases are soon to be getting new homes! I've ordered some more cases from PTI so I don't have to keep putting these back in! They love to slip out all the time! Always keep baby wipes on hand. When I'm stamping, I perfer to stamp, wipe, and more piles of stamps that need to be rinsed. There is a big bay window that separates the last photo from this one. I do love that there is plenty of light coming in this space. I find it hard to stamp in the evening with dimmed lighting. These would be my paper towers! There is also other supplies here: clearbags, small alterables like post-its and notebooks, and chipboard. The paper I've got on top was recently used and is just waiting for me to put it back! Heavy equipment table...makes me sound tough right?! Behind my cuttlebug are baskets, 1 for cuttlebug folders and dies, the other is for my PTI dies and nesty dies. Below the table is where all this madness started...SCRAPBOOKING supplies! I have not scrapped in over 5 years or so...maybe a page or two, but I'm not really dedicated like I should be! I hope soon that will all change. In my 2 drawer filing cabinet is where I store all my SU! 8.5x11 cardstock. Both drawers are plum full and I keep them well stocked. I've tried other brands, but SU! by far is my I have some of the matching ink pads so no need to switch brands.

************DANGER ZONE!!!*************

I know none of your children play like mine...50 toys at once?! I'm laughing as I type this because I'm just now noticing the nekked patch kid in the get my point exactly!

That Addison is STILL sitting, chilling, waiting for "someone" to miraculously clean up! I wonder if she noticed that BIG, BLUE, IKEA bag in the chair? It's not full of "new" stuff anymore ;).A godsend! I took a pic because I knew someone would ask the name and I would not remember.
>Awwwww, sigh, relief....BREATHE! We purchased 2 of these units and they are pretty cool because of the combinations in how to display them. The white units can go on top of each other like puzzle up and not out if you are limited on space. I liked them side by side and there is still plenty of room for the bins to be pulled out and played with. Each bin will soon be getting a label, hopefully making clean up time a breeze. Happy organizing my friends ;)


  1. Oooooooo Ahhhhh...I love the organization! It is near and dear to my heart! LOL It looks great sister. Good going!

  2. Awesome job!!! I'm so envious of your space!!! I need to take your advice "use what you have" too. You motivated me to get organized girl. Big hugs to my little friend Addy and her nekked patch kid!

  3. Did you steal my IKEA bag? I paid .59 cents for that thing!!!!!

  4. Heather---it HAD to be done...or else!

    T--you are so obnoxious sometimes...simmer down now, its my bag from the last time we were there ;) I took the YELLOW bag this time!

  5. I LOVE IT! IKEA is right up the road and my girlfriends and I make a trip at least once a year. We make it a girls day and travel up 35 to Round Rock. We will probably go again in the Spring. I can't wait to get a room for my stuff. Its taking over our room! LOL Great Job!


  6. i like how you organized the punches. I like the new SU punches that are flat. Those big ones are such a pain to store.

  7. Nicely organized! You can still craft when your children are playing! :)

  8. Love your space! Thank your dh for his service and Thank-you for yours.
    Linda, Marine Mom, AF Vet.

  9. Wow, you have done enough organizing for all of us! Whew! The Copic storage is fantastic, thanks for sharing that one!

  10. Congrats on being featured at Crafty Storage.
    I enjoyed viewing your space and ideas.

  11. Wonderful space!

    2 questions... first, what are the stamp storage units called? I have been looking everywhere for a wooden unit with no luck! second, how do you keep the kids away from your area? LOL
    Everytime I bring my girls around my space, they climb ME to do MY craft NOT their own! Toys are everywhere and they chose my area! grrrr

    Anyhoo, well done on your space and enjoy :)

    Sandra P

  12. well done to both of us :))) ... I have exactly the same way of storing clear stamps , I have the same units for children's toys and I even spotted your spinning rack that looks exactly like mine :) ... mine is a candy cane rack , is yours ??
    Weird how Ikea has made rooms all over the world look similar. I live in Belgium :)

  13. Glad I've got all you crafters excited about organizing your goods ;)

    Linda---Gotta LOVE IKEA! I'm not sure where my spinner rack is from. I purchased it used from a local seller. Yesterday I went to a LSS that was going out of business and scored a nearly new will replace the wire one in the photo. LOVE bargains!
    Dawn ;)

  14. I am also an Ikea fan. For my birthday, my mom bought me all my craft storage from there. It's all the Alex, white laminate drawers. I also have the Malm chest that is perfect for 12x12" paper.

    Love the pegboard deco idea. I am in the process of getting some leftover pegboard into my crafting area & I like the idea to jazz it up so it's not so ho-hum!
