Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grocery Notebooks...

SQUEE!!! As promised, here are the grocery list notebooks! I absolutely LOVE this paper...I'm biased about cherries...even though I have roosters in my kitchen! As I was cleaning out my craft supplies this last week, I'd remembered I had some cooking charms....somewhere! I believe I bought these at Archiver's years ago. They came in a package of 8 and used all of them! The favorite part about this paper is the TEXTURE! The entire paper pad is actually made with recycled paper, so it has a grocery bag look on the back side, with a grid-texture on the front side.
Thought I'd do a few with strawberries ;)


  1. Oh girl these are SaaaWEET! I'm diggin the paper and the little embellishments are such a cute addition! Ya done it AGAIN!

  2. toooo cute!! I'm hoping you'll have one of these left over from your craft show!!! Love your stuff!!!!

  3. Those notebooks are little wonderful works of art. I wouldn't wanna use them, I would just look at them all day. Thanks for inspiring, and I always love everything you put up. Aloha from Hawaii
