Friday, February 4, 2011

Sweet Buggy Love...

Rounding out the last projects with vday candy! I'm hoping this will be the last of the candies I have to resist eating while making goodies for others. Making good use of some 3x3 clear bags (thanks Donna!), I stumbled (yeah right!) upon some mini snickers that when put side-by-side, fit perfectly in this size bag. Since I wanted a LARGE heart, but needed it a little less round on top, I used the lady bug body from Little Lady and turned it upside down. Letters and bug are also from PTI.I hope all of you have a Superbowl of a weekend! There are no sports fans in this house (I'm so lucky, aren't I?), but we do find it a good excuse to make some goodies and watch the commercials! Enjoy!


  1. www.yarnmaniac.blogspot.comFebruary 4, 2011 at 6:24 PM

    so cute, dawney...make me want some...wink, wink!

  2. These are really cute, Dawn. And what a clever idea to use the body of the ladybug as a heart.
