Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Miss You...

What I what give for another 3 day weekend we just had! We celebrated Gracie's 7th birthday over the weekend, had some family in town, and just enjoyed our time together. I didn't do too much on the decorating end since we had her party at Chuck E. Cheese, but I did do her invites and goodie bags. I will be sure to share those pics later in the week.

Today I've got a sweet lovebird card. I used Aviary from SU! Birds of all sorts seem to be a big trend right now and as much as I wanted this set, I'm finding the cling hard to use on my acrylic blocks. I'm sure if I play with it enough, I will get use to them, but I've been using clear stamps for the last few years and them seem to be much easier to place for me. Aside from my crooked birdcage, I'm still loving how it turned out.
I mixed a few sets from PTI on my design as well. Basic Polka Dots and Little Lady (the small ladybug body for my heart).Another PTI set, Masculine Motifs was used for the sentiment.
I plan on donating this card, along with a few others to deployed troops to send to their sweeties. It's hard when your in the field and don't have a Hallmark or P.O. nearby. I know when my hubby was deployed, he'd hold on to the cards and letters for several days until they were back safely to address and mail them off. Happy Crafting my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Just a hint! I use a small piece of double sided tapt to hold the stamp on...easily removed and it holds your stamp in place in the box too.
