Friday, February 25, 2011

Fit For A Princess...

Soooo, remember the last post where I mentioned I was going to play with glitter for the PTI-glitter strip challenge?!!! Well, I found out that glitter and me are NOT meant to be! I did attempt to make a vintage card, complete with 2 glitter strips...which is now at the bottom of my trash pile! I think I will stick with glitter paper and call it a day ;)

So something I can share with you has a little bling (without glitter!) and fit for a princess. These were the invites for Gracie's 7th birthday party. Not much planning on my end since the party was not at home this year. I don't get to do this often as we are normally with family and we keep the parties simple. Gracie decided she wanted a "princess" party and I knew this crown would be perfect! I knew I didn't want to cover the entire tiara with rhinestones, so I think the few I added, add just enough shine. I then stamped 7 in chocolate chip and added the circle (PTI-basic polka dots) to close the focal point. The party info. is printed off the pc in black.
Big birthday girl!
Mommy & Daddy sandwich ;)My wonderful in-laws! They were gracious enough to make the 6 hour drive from VA just to help Gracie celebrate her special day! Grandpa looks like he's had a little too much fun!We continued our weekend with a trip to the park and a nature hike. I'm proud to say Addy dresses herself...note the snow boots in nearly 70 degree weather! And what can I say, the kid LOVES to layer!Just wish she would slow down...just a bit!My favorite shot of the weekend! Grandpa loves his babies ;)


  1. Gpa looks like me if I have to go to Chuckie-E-Cheese. haha!! Gracie used to call it 'Chuckie Jesus'. LOL!

    Pretty invites. Simple and elegant always!

  2. I want to make some like that for my birthday! Precious babies!

  3. What an adorable Princess she is.. Wishing her the happiest year 7!

