Monday, November 1, 2010

Sweet Birthday Girl...

As I made my weekly trip (like you visit the grocery store weekly, this is my weakness!) to Michael's a few days ago, I picked up this cute set by Hero Arts. This set is a trio of sweet little girls. The card was started with the intention of using all three images, but I decided just one would do because of the pattern on the printed paper. You see, I cut my papers to have the card open left to right, now it is top to bottom! Slick, aren't I? Not really, just wasn't thinking when I started! SEE! I told you she was ca-ute! I used very light copic for the skin tone, but she looks like she blends in with the kraft cs here. Added a few rhinestones, matte layers, and a big puffy bow. The patterned paper is from Sweet Shoppe. Don't those candies remind you of Mike & Ike's Tropical Blend? They are very glittery!
While I've been hunkering down and stocking up for this craft show, my little ones love to peek in as well! This would be my 4 year old Addison who is making a bookmark with the PTI bookmark die. Now, she cannot crank this Cuttlebug alone, but her big sis Gracie (6) was helping her along...she snuck out of the pic too quick! I would give you all a sneak peak of the rest of my studio, but I wouldn't want you all to "assume" I keep the rest of my home is such disarray! Besides, a clean room is the sign of a lazy crafter right? Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie card for a special girl! Loved the shot of Addison crafting, too!!
