Monday, November 15, 2010

Craft Show Goodies Part 6...

Notebooks GALORE! You know, this weekend I packaged up a lot of completed projects and put them in the baskets I plan to use on my craft table. As I got to looking around, I realized the majority of things I have created are ALL notebooks of some kind. I didn't intend for this to happen, but I'm hoping to finish up this week with some other new goodies. The craft show is this weekend...eeeek! CRUNCH TIME! I hope all of you had a wonderful Veteran's Weekend. I'm a little biased, but I couldn't help overload with the Marine Corps notebooks. I know it looks like I went crazy with the Kraft cs here, but only the notebook base is Kraft, the other Kraft "looking" cs is actually brushed gold. There are 6 of these notebooks, 3 in blue rhinestones, and 3 in clear.Dontcha just wanna squeeeeeeeze this little doll?! Crystal effects to make happy heart more desirable ;)Mini-tag notebooks...I will be selling these for 5.00 each.Now these mini-tag notebooks will not be at the craft show! But I did make these up for some dear neighbor friends and decided to post them all together. The "D" is mine...all these years in crafting and I finally made something for myself! I use this notebook for passwords and supply lists.More post-it pads in NEW colors!WHEW! That's a lot of work! This week is going to be very busy, but I plan to share some more things before I off like a headless chicken! Stay tuned for my next post....I will be sharing the candy goodies for sale! Happy Monday!


  1. Oooooo Dawn! You've outdone yourself AGAIN lady! What a great stock of treasures you have created. Your customers are going to be in heaven this weekend! Love each and every one of them, but I think I'm digging the Kokeshi *spelling?* doll most. Splendid work!

  2. Wow! You have been super busy! Every notebook and pad is beautiful! Love the vibrant colors you used on them.

  3. Umm, Dawn...I just noticed of those notepads has a D on it...hmmm, that's interesting! hehe

  4. WHATTTTTTTTT?????? No United States Navy????
    Just kidding! Everything looks WONDERFUL Dawn! Best of luck to you this weekend,HUGS! Elizabeth

  5. I, too, love your vibrant colors! Beautiful designs on your notebooks!

  6. I, too, love your vibrant colors! Beautiful designs on those notebooks!

  7. Wow, that marine one looks sharp, DAwney...I love the little girl cute!

  8. So many styles to choose from! You have been very busy

  9. So many styles to choose have been very busy

  10. WOW!! SOOO DARN CUTE! Where did you find the Marine Corps Crest? I would love to find the Army one.. Fingers crossed that your craft show is a successful one.


  11. I can only say that your work is amazing!! I'll be visiting often!
