Monday, October 11, 2010

What Would I Do Without You?!

I'm all for change in every aspect of my life, but when it comes to electronics (i.e. cell phones, computers etc.) I really dispise learning new equipment! Last weekend my hubby decided he wanted to take over the old laptop and purchased a new netbook for me. I really didn't care to switch over because I knew where everything was already and I was just getting comfortable with some new photo editing software he had just showed me 2 weeks ago. Well, with the switchover I DID get all my photos transferred but lost my editing software along with my watermark for posting pics on the blog. Needless to say, I'm warming up to this new netbook (it's smaller then a normal laptop, cramping my fingers a bit) and my sweet hubby set me up with a brand new watermark!

Soooo, enough chat about the netbook, how about a new notebook?! I had other projects I was going to post, but I just finished this up today and I was getting ansy to post it for my gf (for her daughter's teacher) in TN. Patterned paper is from October Afternoon. Doesn't it almost make you long for Summer again? I love the bright colors! I did a little airbrushing with my copic markers and also used them for coloring in my image. This little doll comes with not only a shiny red apple, but also patent leather shoes, courtesy of Crystal Effects!
This was also the first time I had a chance to use my new PTI-star die. These dies cut very nicely and leave a subtle rounded edge on the cardstock.


  1. Super cute notebook chica! I know what you mean about the technology thing.. as soon as I know how to work my phone, you know for the basics, its time to get a new one and it takes me two year to learn again. Hope the little cuties are well..


  2. love it!! I just switched to a Macbook pro and I'm LOVIN' it! So glad I made the change.

    now if i could just figure out how to do a watermark on my photos.

  3. Dawn, this is just as cute as can be!!!
