Monday, October 18, 2010


Speaking of "BFF's", we went to a birthday party this weekend for a sweet little gal who was turning 9. I had my girls make the birthday cards and was really impressed with both of them, but my 6 year olds really stood out. Gracie showed her Daddy the card she had created...she drew the girls jumping in the bounce house and then a picture of 2 little girls (Gracie and her friend) with jersey shirts and matching party hats. Above the girls was "BFF" and her Daddy asked, "Boyfriends for Forever?" to which Gracie replied, "No Dad, it's BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, besides you said boys have cooties and I cannot date until I'm 62!" Nough said!

Speaking of BEST FRIENDS, I created a few "girlfriend" cards last week. Simple layout, but with an elegant touch. The flower die is from Papertrey ink and I can't seem to put it down!
Just flip-flopped the layout here.
I cut my cards down a little bit, so even with the overhang on the flower here, it will still fit in a standard A2 envelope.

For all you cyber girlfriends who follow my blog and for those blogs I follow for inspiration, here is a BIG THANK YOU to all of you! I enjoy your comments and some of you are quite witty and keep me in stitches...especially Lynn...a recent comment on a card said it was the "BEST EVER!"...seriously, because I've seen some "BEST EVER" cards and they are NOT mine! I may have mentioned this before, but I did work at Hallmark about 10 years ago while I was in college. While on the clock, I'd go sneak off and look at all the pretty cards and crafty stuff the store carried. Unfortunately, I never really took home a paycheck because I recycled it back into the store!


  1. You are too funny! Thanks for the fun shout out. I'm sitting here looking at a huge box of Stampin' Up! stuff from my party last saturday. I love looking at what everyone else ordered. Wonder if they would notice I used some of their stamps??? haha

  2. Dude, that comment from Gracie was so worth reading your post...not to say your posts aren't fun, but that cracked me up!!! Sounds just like Chan..keep up the awesome crafting, Dawney!
    Love you,

  3. Lynn-as long as you don't use Stazon, no one will ever know!

    T-you mean you come here NOT for my artwork, but commentary?! In my next lifetime, I will be a comedic genuis!
