Friday, September 24, 2010

Last Of The MAN Designs...

TGIF! This has been a super long week! I'm finished with these last few man cards, now I will go back and replicate them all for added stock. All these designs are fairly simple and it makes my job easier when I'm guided by a sketch. I {heart} my current issue of Paper Craft Magazine!Dabbling with Masculine Motifs again. I created my sea of fish with a little air brushing before I stamped on the bright orange koi...are they even in the sea or just pond fish?! Either way, they have fresh water! Something funny about this fish you see the extra dots in between the eyelets?! They are NOT suppose to be there!!!!! I accidentally over punched with my stylus and after I saw what I did, I knew these would be TOO CLOSE to fill in with eyelets. My solution: skip every other hole...see, you would have never known!For the hunter! After I laid out my design here and stamped it up, I went back and added a slight air brush mist in medium a more cozy and vintage look!I'm off to run errands! Have a splendid weekend!

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