Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just a Note...

Using some more of that splendid spring paper pack as the previous post. I have to say, for the longest time I was hooked on "pinks & greens" but, my oh my, do I LOVE this paper. It's nice to switch things up a bit and this paper, at certain angles, has ooodles of sparkle!SEEEEEE! Lots of sparkles! I knew I didn't want to cover up such pretty paper, so a simple "just a note" was small enough to matte on my patterned paper.Usually when it comes to adding ribbon on my cards and notebooks, I generally tie bows. Keeping in mind with postage and shipping rates, the flat ribbon will save me! Love the detail as well with the Fiskar's Upper Crest Punch.I'm off to put in my application for my first craft show this morning! If your going to be in the local area, I will be doing the Marston Pavilion Show aboard Camp Lejeune in November. I will be sure to update once I get all the information.


  1. DARLING DAWN!!!!!!!!!Are they for Sale???????E.
    You know I can never figure out what my identity I just pick anonymous.......thanks for the post on the boys....everything went great yesterday!

  2. Super cute chica! Good luck with the craft show. I'm sure you'll be a hit!

