Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mix and Match Kitchen Notebook...

Well, I just sent my 1st grader on her way to school. Although I don't think it gets any easier to let go, this year was much easier than last. I still get emotional just thinking how quickly they grow up and how I wish those days of staying close to me were still here!

Another quick notebook to share! I'm on a roll with the "grocery list" notebooks! We went home to Oklahoma this Summer and there is a quaint little scrapping store down the road from my parents. The store is not anywhere near the size or pizazz of Archiver's, but it always has a fun collection of kitchen paper. I used some more of the Moxxie (mixer and whisk) paper along with my new October Afternoon (yellow polka dot). The black and white check is from Graphic 45.Another new find I purchased over the Summer was a Fiskars Upper Crest Punch. I've been wanting to have this in my punch collection but it's a hard one to find! I finally found one at Joann's in VA. And of course, I used Take Note once again for "grocery list". This really is a cute can make any type of notebook...not just for groceries! The square eyelets are some oldies I had from Making Memories. I broke off the eyelet pegs on the back and adhered them with E6000...they aren't going ANYWHERE!

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