Friday, May 28, 2010

Spring Nest Card...

Lots of cleaning around the house today so I'm just popping in with a spring-y bird card! With all the glitter on this paper, I had trouble getting the correct lighting. I did some photo editing, however it made the photo much to bright, so I had to go with this pic which is a little on the dark side.The focal image is from PTI's-3rd Anniversary set and the script is from Text Style II. This may be the first card that I actually left off the sentiment. I felt after I designed the card and the placement of my image, there was no room for a sentiment. The flower petals were from my loose bag and I cut them in 4 pieces and used E6000 to ahere them on the backside of my design.


  1. Wow, this is beautiful! I love the great texture added by those leaves.

  2. Ooooh, this is FABULOUS!!! I love how you added those leaves under the circle!

  3. Very nice card! Love where you placed the rhinestones on the focal image! Very pretty!
