Friday, March 5, 2010

Chinese Thank-you Notebooks...

Text from my sister: "update your blog, I'm BORED!"

I got a good chuckle from that, but in my own defense, I was busy painting my living had only taken me 6 weeks but IT'S DONE! There are 4 walls in my living room and I was dreading the 2 walls that are peaked! Grrrr! It looks beautiful though and I looooooove the color! I will snap a quick pick...once the furniture is moved back!

Anyhow, with my absence in blogging I also didn't have a darn thing to share...NOTHING new! Still several unfinished projects sitting on my desk, but I took a break from them to work on these little dolls:). I made these up as thank-you's for the photographers who did our family shoot back in November...yeah, tad late, but at least I remembered!China Dolls and Thank you are from Hero Arts, Kanji Phrases (green background) is a new set from CTMH, PTI-Petal Power and Trajan Alpha.It was hard to shoot the brushed gold cs as it blends in with the kraft cs, but I think you can see a little bit of difference here. Look how cute these sweet peas are??Close up on the bg...PTI-Petal Power and CTMH Kanji Phrases. I used Dew drops inks in soft earthy tones (Sahara Sand & Tea Leaves) so the bg is not so overwhelming. Finished off with a simple straight stitch line.


  1. GIRL THOSE ARE ADORABLE! Were gonna have to do some kind of image swap or something! Such cute little dolls! Love those notepads. My nieces would adore those dolls!


  2. Mishy, I can totally do that for you...would you like them on Kraft, White or a mixture? Let me know and I will pop them in the mail for you:)

  3. I love how you used the stamps on the bacground paper, Dawn. No one uses ink like you do, girlie. Thanks for brightening my day with a new post! mwah!
