Friday, January 29, 2010

The Kiddo's Valentine Cards..

A special project shared with my oldest! Both of my girls love to craft and I knew when I saw this K&CO paper, Gracie would *squeal* with delight...actually, it was probably ME, more than her! The characters (froggy, lion, and robot) come on a full 12x12 page and I simply punched them out and added a matte on the back. There are several sheets of each design so you could be making V-day cards for days...if your crazy like that...haha! I purchased the cookie and cracker packages at Sam's and you get 36 for $9.00. If you don't want to purchase the cookie bags, and your school allows home baked goods, you could use glassine bags with these toppers. Mr. Froggy! I did the stamping and Gracie did the sticking! She picked which friend would get which animal and then glued on the button!Ms. Robot! I love the off-centered button here:)Mr. Lion!Handwriting of a sweet pea! The "to" and "from" sentiments are from an old Crafty Secrets set. Now, I haven't been making cards for "days" but I did make up an extra kit for purchase. This kit includes 10 bag toppers, all supplies (minus the cookies of course!), you just need adhesive. These toppers can also be used on glassine bags. New notebooks are also available in my Etsy Shop!


  1. ok, this is one of the coolest, new ideas you have yet, dawney...i love them...gracie's handwriting on the back is even cuter!
    Love you,

  2. These are absolutely adorable. I have to find this paper. My little one would love it too. Thanks for sharing.

  3. ADORABLE! Wish mine were still little enough to give valentines! Gracie's writing is too cute!


  4. Ahhh, to be little again. Tell Gracie that Ms. Donna LOVES her Valentines!

  5. I am going to use this idea for this Halloween! I usually give out Play-dough. But these snack bags are so cute with the topper!
