Monday, November 9, 2009

Basket Full of Friendship...

Some more fun 4x6 notebooks. I've been busy this week preparing for an upcoming crafting event at home this weekend. In addition to the crafts we will be making, I will also have baskets of goodies available for purchase. I fell in love with this patterned paper from a recent purchase to the scrapbook store. I don't remember the vendor because I used up the whole stash before checking! But, the pattern is so fun and girls said it's missing Strawberry Shortcake. Detail shot of my attempt at zig-zag sewing. It's getting easier...still a tad tricky on the corners! Just a few more notebooks added to the basket. If I have time this week, I'm hoping to fill er' up with a nice assortment of notebooks. Whatever is left over, I'm going to add to the opening of my Etsy shop next week...she's just about ready!


  1. Always love your notebooks!! I have a sewing maching but yet to even use it! Maybe some day....

    Love your blog!!

  2. Here's wishing I lived in your state so that I could pop over to attend your craft fair and ooh and aah over your beautiful creations. Of course, I'd be scooping them up as gift for the holidays. I'll have to be happy with your Etsy shop though it would be more fun meeting you in person.

  3. Hope-go ahead, BE BRAVE and dig out your sewing machine! You will LOVE it! I have a serger as well, although I've not been brave enough to take it out and use it...its been in its original box for 3-4 years now! I'm a hands on gal and need "one-on-one" attention when it comes to

    Isabel-thank you for you kind words as well! I see you have many talents of your own...a skip, jump, and a link later I was browsing your sweet kid capes! My nephew would love one...I will have to see what your back-log is like...I'm sure you are very busy for the holidays!

  4. Those are cute cute cute girlie! I LOVE the new pic of you and your DH. You look great! Nice to see your smiling face!

