1. GAVE BIRTH--check
2. OWN A MINIVAN--check
3. 1st BORN STARTS HER FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL--check(hesitantly!!)
If I'm MIA in posting this week, its because I'm having to pick myself up, mop up the tears, and smack myself out of it:) My oldest, Gracie is starting pre-school, and although she is super excited, its been even harder on Mommy! I know this is her time for growth, maturing, and development but her wings still feel so "new" to me. Gracie, always know you have two wonderful loving parents who absolutely adore you! Have fun on your first day of school "button".
Awww, she is such a cutie. You're not alone...I'll probably be blubbering like a baby when my girls start preschool. *sniff*